Friday, November 11, 2005

A Hard Job

This whole spark plug thing is harder than I thought it could be. It's not the job itself that is hard, but the amount of movement you have to do it in.

Let me explain.

Today, I actually got my lazy ass up, went outside, and started to work on replacing the plugs and the wires. Getting the rubber boot off of the plug was a difficult task, as movement under the hood is extremely limited.

About 5 minutes later, I got the boot off, and started the job of replacing the plug, which took all of 10 minutes to get the old one out, and get the new one in and tightened up correctly.

The all that was left to do was to replace the plug wire, and that only took about a minute or so.

The problem with that is that this was easily the most accessible plug on the truck. The rest are hidden beneath other equipment, and the other side I may have to access from underneath because I can't even "see" the plugs on that side.

I guess you could say one down, five to go.

I really wish I would have gotten more involved in cars and stuff when I was younger, but as it turns out, I'm better suited to fixing and upgrading PC's.

I'll let you all know of my progress as the rest of it comes about. Right now, I need to decide if I wanna pay someone 20 or 30 bucks to replace the rest, or actually give it the old college try. We'll see.

As far as performance goes, the truck actually does run much better now, and all the shaking it was doing while idling and accelerating is now a thing of the past. The check engine light however, is still on.

More to come.


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