Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Attack of the 6 Inch Meatball Sub

Some days you just know you're doomed. Some things just can't be helped or explained. Yesterday was one of those type of days.

It all started out innocently enough. I woke up, and did my normal daytime thing. Then I started getting ready for work, and left to go to work, and let me tell you, I was in a fantastic mood. I was in the mindset yesterday that nothing, and I mean nothing could have ruined my night.

So before I leave for work, I scrounge up a little over two dollars in change. I was hungry, and hadn't eaten. Mainly because I was too damn lazy to cook.

On my way to work, I stopped in at my local Subway shop and placed the order that would doom me for the night....a six inch meatball sub.

I have to say the two girls working in the store were extremely helpful in helping me load up my sub with other things and with providing helpful suggestions of what else to put on the sub. They definitely were making sure they earned their money.

My sub ended up being a meatball sub with parmesan cheese, pepper jack cheese, jalepeno peppers, and oregano. I have to say it was pretty damn tasty.

So, like anyone else in the world who is in a hurry, I start eating the sub while driving. It's all going good at first, you know, not messy and very tasty.

Then tragedy strikes as I comes closer the the bottom of the sub. Out of the blue, the sandwich decided to stop cooperating with me. Some of the sauce decided to start a revolution and sneak out of the bottom of the sub....and right onto my shirt and ID badge.

Then, as I am cursing the sauce that escaped, the last meatball decides to make its break as I'm biting into the sandwich again. It slips past my bear trap like jaws, and only the bread gets consumed in the process.

So here I am, driving on the expressway, meatball sauce all over my shirt, hands red with sauce, thumb ring completely covered in it, and a solitary meatball left in my hand.

I decide to make the meatball pay for its treacherous ways, and I eat it. That's what you get when you mess with me!

I then try to clean up as much as possible. I end up getting all of the sauce off of my ID badge and off of my shirt and even most off my hands, but the wound still remained fresh from the sauce attack. It stained the shirt a little bit.

I get to work and go wash my hands, and I have to remove the thumb ring completely in order to get it clean. So I'm in ok shape, and there is little evidence of the battle that had just ensued between the sub and myself.

However, when I get upstairs at work, and go to find a desk, one of my fellow employees looked at my shirt and asked if I had been in a fight. I looked at the shirt and saw that there was indeed spots that looked like I had bled, so I told him I got into a fight with a meatball sub.

Now, the sub may have gotten a few good punches in, but I feel I won the fight :)

Perhaps I'll have to stage a rematch later this week after getting paid.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those processed meats have nothin' on you, Rocky...lmao

8:51 PM  
Blogger mindtwister said...


9:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Round 1 meatball sub, round 2 ?????

12:08 PM  
Blogger mindtwister said...

LOL...round 2 will probably be a meatball sub as well :)

11:40 PM  

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