Sunday, October 30, 2005

My Night Part 1

I wanted to make this one a multi part post, only because the mood changes dramatically in the matter of a few moments.

I didn't go out at all tonight, or even open my door. I had a few phone calls, and surfed the web a lot. So far, normal day for me.

At around 2AM, I decided to go to a bar, because I was sure to be able to interact with some people there.

I get myself up to the bar, and I walk in the door, and no sooner than I wave hi to the DJ, I'm already having my first dance. Not bad for only being there a minute. Then I get me a drink, and go to a table with some people I know. I then end up dancing to every song they play, slow song or not. I may as well just have stayed out on the dance floor, and I wouldn't have been less happier than I was. I felt kind of bad for not paying attention to the other two friends up there as much as I should have, but I guess you could say I got lost in the moment. If you are either of the two, and you end up reading this, I apologize for not giving as much attention as I would have liked, but you know how it goes with me ;)

Then we go to the parking lot, and talk for a few minutes before they all leave. On a side note, it looks like the bar was having a Halloween costume party, and my people were all witches. I have to say 3 of the sexiest witches I've ever seen....ROWR!!!

Then I got in my truck, and left for home...but first, I wanted to stop and get a soda, and some breakfast.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a conversation with one of my witches in my coven this morning. It was a great seeing you last night. I feel like I had deserted you and that wasnt cool. Especially how you were really there for me after the fire I was in. Even coming to the hospital and seeing me. No matter what happens dont ever think that you and I still can't be friends. I'm here whethers it just to go have a beer and shoot a game or just to shoot the shit. I missed you; hell you even still talked to me after I blew my nose all over your sweart shirt or what I did blew on that you needed to wear. Do you remember that? LMOA. U have butt up with a lot of shit from us. Bless your heart.

9:43 PM  
Blogger mindtwister said...

You know, I do enjoy hearing that. I felt like I just had to fade away for the sake of everyone, as I don't wanna be the type of person who keeps showing up where he isn't wanted or needed. It's good to know I can still call you my friend. As far as blowing your nose on my jacket, it washed out, so no harm done I also thought it was good seeing you too, although I didn't really know what to think at first because it "had" been so long since I saw you all. It was good, and I really had one of the best nights there, for that hour, than I have had in a long time. Hope to see you all again really soon.

9:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets be honest for a while the situation would have been just awkward. So lets make a pack; even if other relationship arent they way u want it to be it won't effect are friendship. Deal?

8:38 PM  
Blogger mindtwister said...

I'd say you got yourself a deal :)

8:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel a lot of love in this blog...lmao

11:58 PM  
Blogger mindtwister said...

You should know how much love I have ;)

12:04 AM  

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