Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Women and Romance

It never ceases to amaze me how women continue to surprise me. I have to say before I start this post that I am not stereotyping "all" women, because I know that there are those out there not like I'm about to describe, and you 4 know who you

This is for the rest of them.

Women. Everytime I hear the word, I think of a type of person who wants romance, and who wants to be romanced. Apparently, I am wrong. Or am I?

It seems that most women do want romance, but only under a couple of conditions, some of which I can understand. First, I think most women are looking for that total package in a guy, so much so that they forget that it's what's inside that matters most. Second, some really don't want romance.

I've talked till I'm blue in the face about the first kind, so I'll skip them. I know too many women who are just too dumb to see what really matters, and I know you know some too.

The ones who don't want romance are the ones that get to me. These are the kind that will complain endlessly that they aren't getting the romance they need, but will be the first ones to be "grossed out" when they see someone else getting the romance.

My theory on this is quite simple. I think that either those women who want to "barf" when they see romance don't really like romance, and have no desire of being romanced, or they are jealous of the other person getting the romance. I tend to think that the second one rings true, as I've seen many women do the whole "getting sick" thing, but then turn around and expect everyone to marvel at them when they get a little romance.

I'm open to suggestions if I'm wrong, but experience dictates that I'm not on this subject. Plain and simple, women who aren't getting romanced are jealous of the ones who are, so much to the point that every time they see it and are not getting it, they feel the need to try and berate the person getting it by "getting sick".

Like I said, this isn't how all women are. I do know a few who are not like this, but the general concensus shows most to be this way.

I think the next time I hear someone "getting sick" because of some kind of romantic sentiments she sees, I'm gonna buy the woman some Pepto Bismol.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You shouldn't be so hard on us it makes us all f*cked up! lmao!

10:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do think you have a very good point about women and romance. I don't know one woman who doesn't like romance on occasion. Including myself. We like flowers and wine and romantic jestures. Its great. But i have to think, can there be such a thing as romantic overkill? If it is nothing but frily words ,and romantic jestures can we become tired of that as much as we can become tired of being treated badly. I think it all comes down to balance. Treating someone well is what we all want, but if everyday is a grand romantic jesture, when does it become special? Those women who say they don't want romance lie. They do or theyhave never had it. Some may very well be jealous. That is always a possibility. Sometimes, depending on the person, I have made the yuck sick comments, not out of jealousy or the fact I don't want romance, but because I know that is one of the fastest ways to get a response or rise out of a person. Some people it is easier to give a friendy little tease. As far as giving us ladies a hard time, yes pretty harsh man. We deal with an onslaught of horemones a man just does not understand. Oh they say they do, but unless you have to deal with them personally, you really really don't. That includes thinking just because you live with or hav lived with women you know. Nope. Not the same. I also have to wonder about romance... most men today have forgtten or choose to forget. Are women as a whole being desensitized to romance in their everyday lives. Do they really believe it is just something that happens in the movies and novels? I have been in both types of relationships. I have been with a man who couldn't tell me i was beautiful, 2 years. I have also been in the relationship where they tell you they love you 100 times a day. They both leave me pondering. IS there a happy medium or is it just only found in the movies?

8:20 AM  
Blogger mindtwister said...

Perhaps in a way you may be correct. However, wouldn't the person being romanced be the person who has a say of when its overkill and when its not? If you truly love the person who is giving you romantic gestures, then every one should be special. See, its a way of a person describing his love, or her love to you that they just can't hold in. It isn't supposed to be logical, it isn;t supposed to be's just supposed to be. I can't say why other women say what they say sometimes, but I am curious as to when you do it, who are you trying to get a rise out of?
I thought you knew I was a harsh individual. I don't mean to come off as harsh sometimes, and you should know almost as much as anyone who really knows me that I do have heart. Now most men have forgotten about romance and how to be romantic. I'm not sure they thought it would actually get them anywhere, so they
As far as your personal experience with romance and such, perhaps you should learn to take a compliment better. Do you realize what it actually means to have someone tell you that that many times a day? Can you fathom the power behind those words? The feelings? I can, which is why I still go on like I do, because I know beyond anything it is right. Romance doesn't have to be a thing that happens only in the movies...any woman can have it, if only she would learn where to look.

10:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ya'll are so

1:27 AM  

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