Monday, October 24, 2005

The One

Have you ever met that one person that you couldn't get off your mind? The one who you think about no matter what happens around you.

Have you ever met the person who can bring a smile to your face no matter how sad you are? Have you ever met the one that could make your heart melt with just one glance? Have you ever met the one you know you're supposed to be with, no matter what opposition is thrown your way?

I have, and it astounds me more every day. I actually wake up every day, and I can't believe how much more in love I am with her than I was the day before. I really don't know why either. I don't get to see her, or talk to her much at all, if any.

I do get to hear people tell me how crazy I am though. Crazy for waiting on something that may never happen, crazy for still loving as much as I did when we parted ways. Just plain crazy.

It got me to thinking, am I crazy, or do people call me crazy, because they cannot fathom the idea of what I'm doing? Granted, I actually *may* be crazy, but the doctors have yet to determine that.

Here's what gets me about it all. Isn't love supposed to be patient? Isn't love supposed to be unconditional? Would you wait for someone you *knew* deep in your heart you were suposed to be with, forsaking all others who may try to get in?

I think that most people would answer yes to the first 2 questions, but no to the last one. People say they don't understand how I could wait for something that may never be, but I can't understand why they wouldn't.

I know that deep inside, if I gave up, and went on to somoene else, I would be miserable, much more than I am now. I know I would hate myself more and more every day for not trying to hold out that much longer.

People need to understand the fact that while I am lonely, I choose to be that way, always that way, until the day comes where it may be possible to win her back. Will it ever happen? Probably not. The odds are definitely against me, but thats ok. If there's even the slightest chance, a sliver of a snowball in hell, I'll be there to see it. If it means I die alone, that's ok too.

As long as she knows I'll always be here for her, and there's never a time I won't want to be with her, then I'm comfortable with that, as long as she knows.

I know even as some people read this, the tempers may rise and they may be thinking about how stupid I am to be doing what I am doing. That may be the case, I may be stupid. However, love was never supposed to be smart. That's what the mind is for; to be smart and think.

My love for her will probably last until the day I die. If needed, that is how long I will wait for her to come back, if that ever becomes a possibility.


Anonymous Anonymous said... are too sweet!

3:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok can i barf now?...plllleeeeaaase

1:34 PM  

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