Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The Ring

Everyone who has ever seen me sees that I wear a little ring on my left thumb. I'm sure at one point in time, thumb rings were in style and all the rage, but that isn't why I wear mine.

People have seen it and asked if I'm gay, to which I respond that I'm not, and that this ring has significant meaning to me. I will proceed to tell of the ring, and why it means so much to me.

The ring is a little silver ring that has a chain like design on it. That's really all there is to it...well, a little black in between the "links" of the chain, but that's it. I'm not sure how much it cost, nor do I care.

This ring will more than likely never be worth a lot of money, but to me, there isn't any amount of money that could buy it from me. To me, this ring is priceless.

The ring was given to me on a "holiday" called Sweetest Day. I know that it is a made up holiday from the greeting card companies, but so what. It is now an official holiday in my book.

I was in Chicago with the love of my life and a couple of other friends. I had never heard of this Sweetest Day before, but it has struck a chord in me ever since. The love of my life gave me the ring, and told me how much she loved me. At first, it was very hard to wear, as I am "not" a jewelry person. Needless to say, it took some getting used to. I got to the point that I was wearing it every day, and every time I looked at it, I would think of her. I still do, even now.

The ring has now become a symbol of the love we have for one another...a chain that cannot be broken by the boundries of being apart, or time, or anything else. I never remove this ring from my thumb, and more than likely never will.

I wear this ring, and I feel she is with me all the time, even though I know she isn't. I eat with it on, sleep, shower, and everything else with this ring on. It has become a part of me....a part of my life now, as she has. I feel as though I would be lost without this ring....without her.

This ring solidifies my love for her, and my never ending struggle to prove my love and my worth to her. I will continue on, no matter what the cost, and this ring, as my love for her, will remain forever strong.

When I die, I will be buried wearing this ring.

It may not have cost her much, but now, the only way someone would be able to get this ring from me would to pry it from my lifeless hands. This is how much this ring, and her love, means to me.

I can't say if I'll be alone for the rest of my life, or if I'll have her in my arms again, but I do know that this ring will never leave my side.

To the love of my life.......I Love You more than time can tell, more than words could ever say, and more than you'll ever know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

After reading your post, I look around and realize how much I have from my love. The guitar I play everyday, the pillow I use that she made me, my blanket, the pictures she painted me...all always there to remind me. I think it shows that you really do care about this person by keeping the ring. It is also huge that you keep the belief that she loves you. I hope the best for you. Keep the posts coming.

8:02 PM  
Blogger mindtwister said...

Thanks for that. I appreciate your contribution to this blog, and, as you know, I have read yours as well. I know what you're going through. Hang in there, keep blogging, and use the love you have for the woman you love to make things better for yourself. Believe me, once you are in a position to look back, you'll see how much the love of a good woman can affect your entire demeanor :)

8:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are too sweet! :-)

9:13 AM  

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