Friday, January 13, 2006

Burnt the Cake!

My sister had a birthday on Saturday. She turned 26, and seeing as how I wasn't really able to buy her a gift or anything, I decided to make her a cake....or try to.

I visit the local Kroger store and buy a chocolate cake, naturally because she is a chocolate fiend....seriously. I get everything I need to make the cake, and chocolate frosting too. Then I go home.

Once I get home, mixing the cake isn't a difficult task, and I think I do pretty well on it. I pour the mix into a cake pan, preheat the oven and place the cake in for the time specified on the cake box. All seems well from this point.

I go to check on it after awhile, and I see the beginnings of smoke starting to drift out of the oven. I open it up to get even more in my face. I couldn't really tell if it was burnt too badly or not, because the cake was dark, but I'm fairly sure it wasn't supposed to be as dark as it was. The smoke also tipped me off too.

I was panicking, not knowing what to do, so I took the cake outside and set it by my tree.

I'm starting to think I should give up on cooking, but I don't think I will. I may fall every now and then, but I feel I'm making progress. I mean, I make a mean bowl of Ramen noodles ;)

So to my sister, Happy Birthday!

I promise I'll get your cake to you soon, and it won't be burnt :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

lost all track and time and burnt the cake huh? it happens to the best of your sister is a very sweet and understanding person and i am sure that she will appreciate the thought.....but maybe you should buy her a cake from the bakery.....especially after telling the tell of the poison

11:34 PM  
Blogger mindtwister said...

lol...yup....that could be a work!

I still like my verse of lost all track of time and burnt the think you know why ;)

My sister is sweet and very understanding. I would buy a cake from a bakery, but it somehow loses the emotion in the whole Happy Birthday to one of my loved ones category....besides, the mystery of life gets lost with a bakery know what you're gonna get, whereas with me, you don''m soooo bad sometimes :)

12:02 AM  

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