Saturday, August 05, 2006

Today Was Fun and Strange

I got up kind of early this morning so I could get ready to cash my check and get some things done. I got a call from redneckgirl, who said she was on her way to come and get me, and I started rushing to get ready.

When I got out of the shower, I heard the phone ringing and answered it. It was redneckgirl, and she was sitting on the porch. She had apparently been there for awhile. And she was a sweetheart and brought breakfast :)

We set out and I am being my usual self, trying to make her laugh as much as possible, and just loving her company, like I always do.

We went to Wal-Mart, where I proceeded to cash my check, and then we had to stop by a few places for some family stuff she had to run.

Things got really interesting a bit later as we go to Dr. Bizers. I was getting my eyes examined and I was very excited...perhaps a little too excited.

I filled out my paperwork and was acting silly by trying on womens glasses, which she thought was funny. Then, I finally got called back and got the eye tests done. You know the ones....the road with a barn at the end of it that always goes out of focus, and that cursed air machine, which blasts a shot of air straight into your eyeball.

Then we go back into the lobby, and only minutes later, we are called back by the woman who does fittings for contacts. I told her of my last few weeks of contacts, which I had worn "way" too long, and how they had some kind of stuff depositing on them. She told me it was calcium, and I said it was good as margarita salt.

I actually had both redneckgirl and the contacts lady grossed out.

We decided that I couldn't get both glasses and contacts today, so we decided with just contacts. I can go get the glasses later.

Then, as if we hadn't been there long enough already, the doctor decides to dilate my eyes. About 15 minutes after, my blue eyes are gone and are replaced with some very wide pupils. Redneckgirl has dubbed me creepy eyes for today because she said I looked evil >:)

After the doctor looked at my eyes, we finally got to leave. I think we were there for over 2 hours. We then went to her job to check some stuff, and then out to a chinese buffet.

After eating, we went to a salon almost next door to get my hair cut.

Understand this before you read any farther. I don't trust many people with my hair. I have been going to the same barber for over 20 years. Needless to say, I'm partially blind and going somewhere new. However, I trust redneckgirl, so I let her have say in the cutting of the hair, and I just sat blindly and let it happen.

Afterwards, we went back to my house, and talked for a bit before we both had to leave. We parted ways and I sadly, and blindly drove to work.

Once at work, I wore my sunglasses until the dilation went away and I could see again.

I looked at my hair on break, and she did a fantastic job on it.

Tomorrow, I go with my sister on her boat, and, if it's anything like last year, I'll be taking a trip to the emergency room. I'll be sure to let you all know how it goes :)

Redneckgirl, thank you so much for a wonderful time today. Thanks for putting up with my silly ass and not getting too embarassed. Thanks for breakfast, and thanks for the wonderful company. Thanks for the time before work as well.

See you all on Monday, unless I find a way to get web access before then :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

no prob....i had fun too. and for the safety of everyone in our fine city I am glad you have your contacts back. Have fun on the boat.

8:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you two had a blast!
Wish I was there with ya!
I've only been to Kentucy once several months ago, in Lexington.
Very cool place and I put up a very brief post.

1:42 PM  

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