Saturday, April 01, 2006

Phrase Craze II

Yet another phrase I've heard that I had never heard before is "God willing and the creek don't rise."

I feel kinda dumb when somoene says these things and I don't know what they mean, so I look em up. With that said, for your enjoyment, the definition and origin of this phrase :)

Meaning: With good luck and no major problems we can be successful.

Origin: This appears to be a simple prayer for heavenly support and a lack of floods. But the creek is not what it appears.

In the early 1800's there were 19 tribal groups of American Indians that joined together and formed the Creek Confederacy, which fought wars with the white settlers who wanted their lands.

They occupied what is now known as Alabama and Georgia. Therefore if the "Lord is willing and the Creek don't rise" up and start up another uprising or battle, we will be able complete what ever it is we intend to do.

The approximately 20,000 Creek Indians that still exist reside in Oklahoma.

The proper phrase is "Lord willing and the Cree don't rise". In other words, the word creek actually refers to Cree Indians rising instead of water.


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