Thursday, October 13, 2005

I Don't Like The Drugs...But The Drugs Like Me.

With the arrival of this cold, flu, or whatever the hell I have, I have been under the influence of drugs constantly. I take a Robitussin knockoff (Wal-Tussin) for the runny nose, sore throat, and aching body symptoms.

But that isn't enough.

I feel like I've been beaten with an entire forest of trees and there doesn't seem to be an end in sight

So I've taken it to the next level. I figure that if I can get some good, quality rest that I can beat it better than a sleepless night with troubles breathing and aching. So I found a way to use my old drugs to my advantage.

Before I go on, I have to make you aware that I'm the type of guy that doesn't finish his meds. After my initial cure, I store the rest for a later date. Why throw them out when they could be useful later, right?

So, I'm looking for some kind of relief in my half used meds drawer when I come across an older prescription for some vicodins. I'm not a drug user by nature, and a lot of people I know would laugh and call me a lightweight, but I don't care. I don't really have a need for drugs as a recreational tool. I'm already way messed up without the drugs.

I've only had 3 different prescriptions for vicodins in my entire life. The first time I used them, I think I slept for 3 days. I vowed not to try them again. The second time, I didn't use one at all...I suffered through the pain I was going through because I didn't like what the pills did to me the first time. The last time I had a prescription, it was almost 2 months ago. I was given vicodins due to a tubing injury I suffered on Taylorsville Lake that caused me to tear 3 muscles in my rib cage. Harsh stuff indeed.

So I find these vicodins and I'm thinking that I'll try just about anything to take this aching away. I can deal with the sharp pains that a torn muscle will bring with no pills, but not the dull, consistent ache of the flu.

I took one of these beauties last night and was whisked away to Vicodin Land. By the time early morning had arrived, I was sleeping soundly, and my phone started ringing. I usually go through most days without many, if any, phone calls, and today my phone rang more than it has in 6 months. I answered every call, and I felt the sleepiness still in my head, but something more as well. I felt giddy. I felt like I was a little kid again, and I believe I acted the part. Everyone that talked to me while I was in Vicodin Land told me I was loopy, crazy, get the picture.

Now, like I said, I don't use these pills for recreation. However, I think the way I'm feeling now merits another trip to the amazingly nice Vicodin Land. I wonder what tomorrow will be like :)

Like I said...I don't like the drugs, but the drugs like me!


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