Saturday, April 22, 2006

Working On Me

Ya got me....the last blog wasn't really about getting in shape. Actually, it did start out as such, but then I started thinking about her running her hands all over me, and I think we all know where it went from

I plan on doing a lot of work on me this year. This is a big thing for me, as I now have the opportunity, and finally a chance to fix the things I hate the most about me.

The first will be my teeth. Everyone who is in my extremely tight and closed inner circle....meaning family, the Love of My Life, and my roomie, knows I have bad teeth. Some of this has been due to bad dentistry, biking accidents, and some neglect. It didn't start out as neglect, but the worse the teeth got, and the more I couldn't afford to do anything about them, then the more neglected they became. This should not be mistaken as me not caring or not having good oral hygiene, because I do brush daily.

The teeth are at a point now where they constantly hurt....and I don't mean a small toothache....I mean, it hurts to eat....anything. I hide the pain extremely well, but it has started to get worse lately. I know the teeth gotta go, and they gotta go soon.

I used to have a complex about it, but anyone making fun of me for it doesn't phase me anymore, thanks in large part to my family. My roomie sometimes tries to use that as a way to make me mad, but she has stopped since she knows it doesn't upset me anymore ( sorry roomie, I had to tell em!).

We'll just say they are in bad shape, and they gotta go.

I also want to work on my body too. I don't think I'm a fat guy, but I have more of a belly than I want to have, and I really should start exercising more in order to get rid of that, and perhaps take up some weight training to tone up my body again. From what I've been told, with my height and weight, it wouldn't take long to get myself looking the way I would like to look.

I also want to work on my inside as well.

I want to start doing something for a charity, so I'll know I'm not only thinking about myself. I also want to try to stop being an overreactor and a lot less paranoid about others. This will take time.

Also, for those of you who may try to name specific names, I stand by what I say about anyone I have slandered. If they didn't deserve it, I wouldn't have said it.

By my paranoia, I simply mean that I'm going to try to not think people are plotting against me so much, as sometimes it gets bad, and for periods of time, I don't know who to trust. Once again, it's a serious psychological problem that I hide very, very well.

I'm sure there are other things I could improve about me, but I'm not sure what they are. With that said, I open the comments for people who don't know me to provide words of support if you would like, and for those who do know me to let me know which parts I didn't list, or forgot about.

Oh, and to everyone....thanks for reading the blog. I enjoy those who do comment, and hope you continue to do so :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you are wonderful the way you are.....but if want to improve your health and life....I am behind you. :-)

1:07 PM  

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