Thursday, April 20, 2006

Bunnies, Guns, and Cops, AKA The Easter Gunny

So, I haven't told anything funny in awhile, and now seems like a good time to do so.

Sunday, as you all know, was Easter. The lil Easter Bunny came and visited many a children and gave them all sorts of chocolate stuff and hid all of their eggs after massively vandalizing them.

I wonder though. If the Easter Bunny gives chocolate bunnies away on Easter, what do little bunnies get for Easter? I think it would be kind of sick to be eating a chocolate version of your own species :)

This covers the bunnies part of the story.

Guns. I'm not a fan at all. I will never own a gun...ever. However, I will, from time to time, shoot a gun. Sunday was one of these times.

I go to my sisters house to hang out with her and her boyfriend and have dinner. I get there and there are some people in the backyard shooting a BB gun at some big

Well, my sisters boyfriend goes into the house and comes out with a .22 rifle, with which everyone squeezes out a few rounds. Then he goes in and brings out his .9mm handgun. All the adults there get to shoot a clip.

Well, we had our fun with all that. Incidentally, I couldn't hit a target to save my life with any of the guns. Everyone but me left and then my sisters boyfriend and myself went in the house to eat dinner.

Before I go on with the story, let me tell you about the sounds of these guns. The .22 was a small pop...louder than a BB gun, but not really loud at all. The .9mm however, was LOUD. I mean, I was covering my ears because it sounded like there were M80's exploding next to my head.

This is the part of the story where the cops come in, and this is also why. Apparently, and trust me, I had no clue at the time, but apparently, it's against the law to shoot a gun within the city limits unless it's on a shooting range.

We were in their backyard.

Naturally, it shocks the hell out of me when I see my sister sprint through the living room yelling for her boyfriend, letting him know that there were cops looking around the place we were just shooting at not even a half an hour ago.

He gets panicked and runs upstairs. About 20 minutes later, she sees them walking toward the house, and again, the sprinting and yelling.

Then, she looks at me and says, "you answer the door", then runs upstairs.

Well! I heard the knocking and I opened the door. I was shaking like a leaf, because I was, and with good reason.

There were 3 cops at the door, and they said that someone reported shotgun fire, and asked me if I had heard anything.

Now, I don't like to lie, but I don't know the penalty for what we did, and I like the idea of jail less than I like the idea of lying, so I said no.

I told the cops that we were in here eating dinner, and had heard nothing. They said ok and walked away. After closing the door, I collapsed on the couch, relieved that I wasn't being led away in cuffs.

I guess you could say that I have had a very interesting Easter Sunday this year...LMAO!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW that's a hell of an Easter celebration!

9:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Umm, yeah it's illegal to shoot within city limits! I recently shot a 9mm handgun at the gun range and LOVED it. First time shooting a handgun.

Sounds like you had a great Easter.

1:29 PM  
Blogger mindtwister said...

redneckgirl....I'm not sure how fun it was, but scary...hell!

Rach, my easter was ok, but I truly didn't know my activities were illegal until after the

7:56 PM  

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