Big Hair Friday!!!
I haven't much felt like blogging for the last couple of days....writers blog or something, so in order to make up for lack of content, I present Guns N Roses with "November Rain", and also another video today as well!
Enjoy your weekend folks!
Ohhh another gooood one!!
My hubby and used to slow dance/grope each other on the dance floor to this song when we first got together:)
now is it slow dance, or more like slow grope ;)
It is definitely a good groping/dancing song!
Do you know that GNR spent over 2 million making this video? But you know something? It was worth every last freaking penny!!
I did'nt know that it cost that much to make ANY music video, but you are was worth it, and you can thank redneckgirl for choosing that original choice was "Welcome To The Jungle" :)
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