Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Blogger Beta Sucks Ass!!!!

I come back to work after a very, very nice 3 day weekend, and try to comment on my favorite bloggers blogs, but I get stuck in an endless loop of crap. I can't post a comment on anyone's blog that isn't a beta blogger without being told that my account doesn't exist, or asking me to log into beta blogger.....grrrr!!!!

I have decided to join the minions of probably thousands and I have decided to allow anonymous comments....just be sure to sign your blog name when commenting, and I'm also getting rid of word verification for now too.

Hopefully this will allow us all to continue to communicate while google and blogger gets their heads out of their respective asses!

Have a great night y'all :)


Blogger Orlando said...

No, sir, I don't like it.

As I said before on another post I left I left Myspace because it was getting kind of boring and I was really getting into Blogger and finally starting to get some distinguished readers such as yourself but then blogger and beta had to f*ck things up. Here's hoping they get the ball rolling.

12:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm with you, MT. I've had troubles with them for a bit and now I'm on the Beta. Is that why you haven't visited me in a long time? (grin)

pavel (http://tobeperfectlyclear.blogspot.com)

1:03 AM  
Blogger mindtwister said...

orlando - All of this is just a transition from blogger to google, and I suppose with any transition there are gonna be some bugs. It'll be back to something good again, hopefully sooner than later :)

pavel - I haven't really visited because of being so busy at work and I don't have access at home. I plan on going and commenting tonight because I know you're one of the beta bloggers like myself, so I should be able to leave a comment on yours. Great to see ya again though :)

1:28 AM  
Blogger RedNeckGirl said...

oh yeah.....sucks baaaaaaaaaaaad!!!

9:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's the difference between beta blogger and plain ole regular blogger? So confused!!!


11:43 PM  
Blogger mindtwister said...

redneckgirl - lol....I think the whole world is coming to realize this.

courtney - blogger is being taken over by google, and beta blogger is the switch everyone is going to have to eventually make. It has some bugs right now, but they are working on fixing it.

9:44 PM  

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