Friday, September 01, 2006

Big Hair Friday!!!!!!

This edition of Big Hair Friday goes to redneckgirl, who inspired me to do this with her 80's post last week.

So here is Bon Jovi's "You Give Love A Bad Name."


Blogger Orlando said...

Awesome. This is like that MTV special they had a few years back called "It Came From the 80's" or something to that effect chronicling all hair bands and what they were up to now. Keep up the good work.

Got to see Bon Jovi twice here in South Florida. Once in 2001 and again in 2002 and must say they were awesome for the Crush tour and the Bounce tour.

8:49 AM  
Blogger Shannon said...

Needed this. Thanks.

Here by way of RedNecked Girl and Bone.

I was just talking about this song last night.

1:47 PM  
Blogger RedNeckGirl said...

I loooooove this song. But you already knew that ;-)

9:56 AM  
Blogger mindtwister said...

brian - thanks a lot! My mind is very twisted, and I think I may be a little too proud of!

orlando - I'm a little jealous of you seeing Bon, I have seen motley crue when they played with Megadeth....very cool show...actually a lot better than the Megadeth concert was :)

SD - welcome to my blog. Glad I could help you with your hair band fix. I think we all needed some of this. Isn't it funny how someone starts talking about something and then soon after, it kinda comes back in a sense?

redneckgirl - I know you love this song. You and I like so much of the same stuff ;)

You think I should do an Air Supply Monday posts....lmao!!!!

9:42 PM  

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